Free English Discussion

Satu halaman ini bebas untuk berdiskusi, belajar gratis bahasa Inggris dengan saya. Silakan isi di kotak komentar.

The whole page is for you to improve your English with me. It's free and you can even chat with me about anything you like in English and I'll try to correct your mistakes..

Good luck!

Bahasa Inggris Online

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  1. Hi, how are you? Is it okay to learn with you for free?

    1. Good. Sure why not? But it would be great if you let me know who you really are. Please come back and introduce yourself.


  2. hello, i cannot speak english, can you help me to learn english? i hope you can teach me english

  3. Sure. Come back here and introduce yourself. That'll be better.

  4. hello,,,my name is Moh Ridho Wahyudi. you can call me ridho. i'm a colleger of malang state university.

    1. Hello Ridho, nice to know you. Welcome. Feel free to discuss with us about anything you like in English. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

  5. hey admin..
    my name is melva,,
    i'm confused..
    how to start to learn English,
    there's too much subject..
    can you tell me??

  6. Hi Melva, thanks for commenting even tough you prefered to use anonyme. In order to be able to master a certain subject, you must focus on one first, make a target and keep practicing. More detail about it, see my tips somewhere around this blog, thanks.

  7. Hello all,,my name is restu
    I am 22 years old
    I am an employee at pt.pamapersada nusantara
    I am a mechanic there
    I want to familiar with english
    I want to learn everyday but I don't have a friend for chat with me..
    Please give me a solution and just a little clue to me...
    Thank you very much

    1. Hi Restu, nice to know you. Just for correction you should write there "I want to improve my English or I want to be able to speak English well" instead of I want to familiar with English.
      No friend to chat, for some learners that's not quite a problem. First you must like English, next you should find the right method. Explore this blog to find it out. I hope you can get well-informed here.


  8. i ever learning english by a book with title "BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS TANPA GURU SYSTEM 52M" created by herpinus simanjuntak. What do you think? How effective it is?

    1. I haven't read the book myself. Whatever it is, there should be valuable lessons you can learn from. Effective or no depends on your passion and consistency in learning English, and that's on one condition, you know the right method. Find it here somewhere around this blog.


  9. my name is jay,, i proud with your blog, i want to learn english untill i expert in english,
    how do i learn most efective,,, may i request,, give me sample that most aplicative quick step for expert in conversation...
    honestly, why i must quick, because i have impatience's adjective....
    please,... correct me if inyong wrong...
    my grammar very bad..

  10. I hope the admin of this blog doesn't mind I reply this last comment.
    Hi, Jay. You can call me Ana.
    I believe that the most important thing we need when we want learn something is our strong will ( Indo: tekad).
    You've made a very good step by trying to say that you want to learn english until you're expert. What you have to do now is keep talking. Dont worry too much about the grammar. I think we can discuss about it step by step.
    Now, please let us know more about you. it can be your activities, your hobbies, or your feelings now.

    1. Thanks Dwiana, your opinion is valuable.


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